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Business Studies Term 3 Form 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Term 3 Form 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1)Recently, the 3 East African states launched the East African Cooperation. Explain 5 benefits that Kenya is likely to get from the cooperation

2)Using a diagram explain how long run equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic competition is attained

3)Explain 5 roles played by the insurance industry in an economy

4)Explain 5 circumstances under which a manufacturer would not require warehousing facilities

5)Explain 5 negative effects of inflation to an economy

6)Describe 5 ways in which commercial banks enhance the development of the business activities in the country.

7)Explain 5 services offered by wholesalers to a manufacturer.

8)Describe 5 problems associated with the measurement of national income using output approach.

9)Explain 4 characteristics of under developef countries.

10)Discuss 5 reasons under which the insured would not be compensated.

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