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Edr 120:Philosophy Of Religion Question Paper

Edr 120:Philosophy Of Religion 

Course:Philosophy Of Religion

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer question one and any other three questions

1.a)Explain the following terms as related to theism(8mks)

b)Account for the distrust of human reasons by some Christians (7mks)
c)Outline any five aims of philosophical study of religion (10mks)

2.Explain the following metaphysical attributes of God according to theism(15mks)

3.Outline the major rational questions raised by God's omnipotence and on omnibenevolence(15mks)

4.Explain the following classical arguments for the existence of God(15mks)
a)Ontological argument
b)Pragmatic argument
c)Argument from congruity

5.Describe David Hume's objection to miracles,noting his major lines of argument (15mks)

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