Agriculture Form 1 Question Paper

Agriculture Form 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2006


1. Attempt ALL questions
2. All answers to be written in the spaces provided in the question paper
3. Cheating in the exam is prohibited

a. Define the following terms as used in Agriculture

i. Embryology (1mk)

ii. Entomology (1mk)

iii. Zoology (1mk)

iv. Pathology (1mk)

b. List the three branches of horticulture and explain them fully (6mks)

2. State the importance of Agriculture in the Kenyan economy (6mks)

3. List any four agents of chemical weathering (4mks)

4. Explain how the following factors influence soil formation (8mks)

i. Parent rock
ii. Climate
iii. Topography
iv. Time

5. State the main characteristics of the following types of soils (6mks)

a. Sandy soil
b. Clay soil
c. Loamy soil

6. Describe an experiment that you would set up to compare the water retention of different soils (7mks)

7. Below is a list of farm tools. Group them according to their categories (4mks)

Panga, Burdizzo, Spanners, Jembes, Hacksaw, Spades, Mil strainer, Hammers, Plumb bob, Metal float, Try square, Mattock, Strip cup, Spirit level

a. State any six importance of land preparation (6mks)

b. State the types of land clearing and in each case, give atleast two examples of tools used (6mks)

c. State the advantages and disadvantages of using tractor drawn implements (8mks)

9. State the importance of secondary cultivation (5mks)

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