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Cmm 220: Introduction To Cinema And Television Question Paper

Cmm 220: Introduction To Cinema And Television 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1. News is merely manufactured and that whatever the audience view on Television screens is a creation of the minds of journalists (in the field and in the media house) rather than the stack realities on the ground. Using relevant examples from the Kenyan media, do you agree or disagree with this statement? (25 marks)

2. Define what a story treatment is. What is its significance in influencing the viewer? (15 marks)

3. Using relevant examples from the recent stories appearing in the media, how does Television and Newspaper relate with each other in relation to news coverage (15 marks)

4. Using the argument of Harold Laswell media effects theory, how has images appearing on Television screens in Kenya brought change in people's lives. Using examples of the recently aired images/stories of any of the TV channels in Kenya (15 marks)

5. Conducting live studio interviews can be tricky unless you muster the tricks. What are some of the techniques that you will need to apply to ensure that a live studio interview of a Kenyan politician is done to the viewer's satisfaction? (15 marks)

6. Use of artists and comedians is irreversibly part and parcel of the advertising industry in Kenya. Do you agree with this statement? Use relevant examples to argue your case. (15 marks)

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