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Cmm 108: Introduction To Mass Media Question Paper

Cmm 108: Introduction To Mass Media 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. a. The power and influence of media is vested in their coalition. Using specific and concrete examples based on recent happenings in Kenya demonstrate this case (10 marks)

b. Discuss the role of media in Kenya's socio-economic development and democracy (15 marks)

2. A number of factors influence one's choice of media communication. Using plausible examples, justify this claim (15 marks)

3. Nyakabi is a high school student whose dream is to specialize in media studies once she joins university. Why would you as a media scholar yourself, encourage Nyakabi to pursue her dream? (15 marks)

4. Using examples from Kenya explain the following: spiral of silence, limited effects, two step model and hypodermic needle theories (15 marks)

5. What distinguishes digital Radio, Television, and newspapers from the analogue ones? (15 marks)

6. Describe the factors that influence media ownership in Kenya (15 marks)

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