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Cmm 320: Photojournalism 1 Question Paper

Cmm 320: Photojournalism 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Editing is considered the most powerful component of production. Explain what it is in reference to:
i. Video production. Why is it crucial to prepare for editing at the onset of the production process? (15 marks)
ii. Still photography. Why would you want to edit a photograph?

2. Your media house has assigned you to write a critique on photographs being exhibited at a nearby art gallery. What aspects of the photographs would help you describe and interpret the photographs intelligently and effectively? (15 marks)

3. Various schools of thought have differing views on the characteristic of a photograph and what a photographer should aim for when going on assignment
i. Identify and explain the theories these schools of thought hold (10 marks)
ii. Which theory leaves the most impression on you? Give your reasons (5 marks)

4. What are the basic rules of composition for video and still photography? (15 marks)

5. Great photographs are borne out of making right choices. Right choices are the direct result of the knowledge and creativity of a photographer. Discuss (15 marks)

6. The task of converting the script to a visual plan referred to as pre-visualization, falls squarely on the shoulders of a director. Give a step by step run-down of what each stage of pre-visualization requires a director to do. (15 marks)

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