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Cmm 300: Communication And Ethics Question Paper

Cmm 300: Communication And Ethics 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Suppose you were at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when the Olympic torch relay team arrived to provide the head of state an opportunity to 'touch' the flame before it moved to another country. This was at the time when the country had two principals- Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga- running the affairs of the government. Odinga touched the torch first, so did Kibaki later. International tradition makes touching of the torch a preserve of the heads of state. The torch is usually given security reserved for heads of state (a) would you publish in your newspaper or other media the fact that a non-head of state touched the Olympic torch? If yes or no, give reasons for your answer. (15 marks)
b. what ethical theory would inform your decision to publish everything, nothing or some aspects of the incident at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport? (5 marks)
c. Use Sisela Bok's ethical wisdom to explain how you will go about 'editing out' Raila from the story (5 marks)

2. Drawing inspiration from at least five local cases/examples, demonstrate how media practitioners are often caught in conflicting duties to their employers, their readers/viewers/listeners and to their own professional conscience (15 marks)

3. Using any ethical model, discuss the appeal to media practitioners to make socially responsible decisions that are justified ethically (15 marks)

4. Immanuel Kant contends that we ought to treat all rational beings as ends in themselves and never as means only. Advance reasoned arguments in support, and in opposition to this ethical guideline (15 marks)

5. Imagine you were a photo editor during the terrorist seizure of the Westgate mall in Nairobi in which several people were killed and many others seriously injured. You receive a picture of a woman soaked in blood, agonizing in pain and being wheeled away on a stretcher
a. Give ethical reasons for using or not using the picture (7 marks)
b. Explain how you will utilize the wisdom of any ethicist in making the decision to use or not to use the picture. (8 marks)

6. a. Critique and elaborate the following ethical philosophies: Judeo-Christian ethic, utilitarianism (8 marks)
b. Between Judeo-Christian ethic and utilitarianism, which one is more important for the African society? Explain the reason for your choice (7 marks)

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