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Cmm 323: Feature Writing Question Paper

Cmm 323: Feature Writing 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. a. Discuss the cultural, economic, social and individual benefits of feature writing (10 marks)
b. Why is copy right protection important in media (8 marks)
c. What makes a bright different and at same time, similar to other feature stories? (7 marks)

2. a. News and feature writers are "birds of the same feather". Elaborate (8 marks)
b. With the help of examples, guide someone who wishes to specialize in writing the how-to articles (7 marks)

3. a. Give clear distinctions between news and feature writing (7 marks)
b. Show how the two in (3a) above are edited (8 marks)

4. Investigative features are on demand in all media and yet many potential writers are reluctant to venture into this domain. Discuss the opportunities and challenges that face investigative writers (15 marks)

5. Interviewing cannot be over-emphasized in good and credible feature writing. Explain the stages of interviewing for media (15 marks)

6. a. Write a personality profile of strictly 300 words (8 marks)
b. What specific professional considerations guided you in writing the above story (7 marks)

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