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Cmm 219: Introduction To Radio Question Paper

Cmm 219: Introduction To Radio 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Communication And Public Relations

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. a. A message design and development technique helps one to be clear of what is to be done when preparing a message for a radio campaign. With examples, explain the following message design and development techniques
i. The IEC model
ii. The AIDA model
iii. The participative model (12 marks)
b. Using the IEC model, create a one minute radio spot on the need to stop early marriages for girls in Narok district (8 marks)
c. Outline the qualities of a good sound bite (5 marks)

2. In Kitui, rich commercial quantities of coal have been discovered. Coal is used with iron ore for the production of steel, crucial in industrialization. The face of Kitui and the lives of the people could change. Meanwhile a new community radio station has been established in the district. You are part of the team organizing a local community radio process for different programmes. List down ten of key thoughts you may share with community representatives in this regard (15 marks)

3. Your radio station has invited a top ODM official for an interview. By using the tagmemic discovery procedure, list down twelve questions which would help in putting together guideline questions for the interview (15 marks)

4. The folk story telling is a rich inheritance of the African people from their past. Radio can benefit by borrowing from it to address today's problems
i. Write a 50 seconds radio commentary using a creative folk story to caution county residents to be alert in regard to devolution (10 marks)
ii. Use some of the principles in writing for radio (5 marks)

5. The talk show is a popular radio format in Kenya. The call in talk show is even more popular
i. Do you think this is the case and why? (5 marks)
ii. What are issues of concern (not topics) in the Kenyan call in talk show? (5 marks)
iii. Identify one you have listened to recently and discuss it in terms of the host from a radio professional point of view (5 marks)

6. Discuss the concept of a station's sound and how it relates to programming (15 marks)

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