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Physics Form 1 Term 3 Opener Exam Question Paper

Physics Form 1 Term 3 Opener Exam 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2016

Kanga high SCHOOL.


1.Apiece of wood whose length was to be measured using a broken piece of wood is as shown below.

What is the length of the piece of wood in cm. (2mks).

2. A sphere of diameter 6cm is moulded into a thin uniform wire of diameter 0.2mm.
Calculate the length of the wire in metres. (3mks)

3. Explain why it is possible to compress gases but not liquids or solids. (2mks)

4. Calculate the density of a piece of wood whose relative density is 0.8. (2mks)

5. State the Pascals principle of pressure in fluids. (1mk)

6. Why are water storage tanks in houses erected as high as possible. (2mks)

7. Explain how a rubber sucker works. (2mks)

8. Give three properties of a fluid to be used as a brake fluid. (3mks)

9. A spring stretches by 6cmwhen supporting a load of 15N.
(a) By how much would it stretch when supporting a load of 5kg. (2mks)

(b) What load would make it extend by 25mm. (2mks)

10. Explain why apiece of metal feels colder than a piece of wood when touched even
though both are at the same temperature. (2mks)

11. State four differences between mass and weight. (4mks)

12. The atmospheric pressure on a particular day was measured as 760mm/Hg.
Express this in N/m2. (3mks)

13. Explain why a matchstick rubbed at one end with soap starts moving immediately
in one direction when placed on the surface of water. (3mks)

14. The barometric weight in a town is 70cmHg. Given that the standard atmospheric
pressure is 76 cmHg and that the density of mercury is 13600kg/m3,determine the
attitude of the town. (Density of air is 1.25kg/m3). (4mks)

15. Explain how a fountain pen is filled with ink. (2mks)

16. The water level in a burette is 30cm3. If 55cm3 drops of water fall from the burette
and the average volume of one drop is 0.12cm3, what is the final water level in the
burette. (3mks)

17. 1800cm3 of fresh water of density1000kgm-3 is mixed with 2200cm3 of sea water
of density 1025 kg/m3. Calculate the density of the mixture. (3mks)

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