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Fost 344: Condensed And Dried Milk Products Question Paper

Fost 344: Condensed And Dried Milk Products 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food And Science Technology

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2009


1. Give short answers on the following:
a. Give four reasons for drying milk (4 Marks)
b. Why is it that sometimes a sample of evaporated milk is sterilized before canning (3 Marks)
c. What are the causes of sandy texture in stored sweetened condensed milk (4 Marks)
d. What is the difference between reconstituted and recombined milk (4 Marks)

2. Explain the milk churning theory. (10 Marks)

3. Energy is a major cost in the manufacture of many food products. Discuss some
practical ways of saving energy in a milk powder production plant. (15 Marks)

4. Discuss the principles of instant whole milk powder production. (15 Marks)

5. Discuss the quality defects that are likely to occur during the storage of
evaporated milk. (15 Marks)

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