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Form 1 Business Studies Term 1 Question Paper

Form 1 Business Studies Term 1 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2013

1)What is business studies

2)What do you understand by business studies being a living subject

3)Discuss 4 ways in which learning business studies would assist a person who has completed secondary school education

4)Discuss the reasons why business exists in society

5)The success of a business depends on how it interacts with its environment to achieve success

6)Explain 3 ways in which competition may affect a business

7)Discuss how political factors may influence the operations of a business

8)Discuss the view that technological innovations have powerful influences on business operations

9)Discuss 5 benefits a business person may derive from the use of the internet

10)Outline 4 ways in which a business may be affected by the legal environment in which it operates

11)Discuss 3 economic factors which may influence a business

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