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Form 1 Business Studies Term 1 Exam Question Paper

Form 1 Business Studies Term 1 Exam 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)Explain the importance of an office in an organization

2)Explain the advantages of automating office processes

3)Explain why filling is an important function of the office

4)List the characteristics of a good filling system

5)Outline 3 ways in which the layout of an office may influence the performance of workers

6)Discuss 3 ways in which the partitioned office layout may be better than the open office layout

7)Outline 4 duties of senior office staff (the top manager)

8)What factors lead to trade between individuals, regions and countries

9)Explain the importance of trade in our country

10)The wholesaler performs important functions in trade.Discuss

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