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Business Studies Form 1 Term 1 2014 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 1 Term 1 2014 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)State five services provided by retailers to consumers

2)Describe any two types of small scale retailers who operate from fixed premises

3)Outline 5 features of a supermarket

4)Highlight the advantages of a hypermarket

5)Discuss any 5 types of wholesalers

6)How do wholesalers :

a)assist manufacturers to promote their products

b)Benefit consumers

7)Name two types of business transactions

8)Describe four documents associated with the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer

9)Outline 3 ways of making an order for goods

10)State three circumstances under which credit notes may be issued in home trade

11)Highlight the steps a seller should take on receiving an order for goods

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