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Prm 202: Media & Writing Skills  Question Paper

Prm 202: Media & Writing Skills  

Course:Media And Writing Skills

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2015


1. Your company, Reliable Cleaning Services, offers janitorial and cleaning services to offices, hotels, schools and large institutions. Services include cleaning and maintenance of carpets, floors and windows, as well as other miscellaneous services. The headquarters is located in Nairobi City, and Reliable has 14 branch offices in major centers across the country. You just learned the company has won a contract from Intercontinental Hotels, a large national hotel chain, to clean and refurbish its 10 hotels. Reliable is having a good year and growing fast, with 15 new major clients added this year. It now has more than 200 major clients. The contract is worth Kshs. 50 million in revenue per year for three years. This is the largest partnership agreement your company has made in its history. Your regional manager, Richard Namu, and the Executive Chairman Brown Ondego of the company will visit the City next week to sign the deal.

A. Prepare a news release for the Nation media to announce the contract and also write a story about the contract for publication in your employee newsletter, Cleaning Up. ( 20 Marks)
B. List three ways you would use (distribute) the news release to support the announcement, and list three other communications tactics or activities you might recommend to support the signing. ( 5 marks)

2a.What is a Press Release? 2marks
b. How do you write a press release that doesn't sound like an advertisement? 5marks
c. Discuss the inverted pyramid in press release writing. 5 marks
d. How is Public Relation associated to Mass communication? 5 marks
e. What is the difference between PR and publicity? 5 marks
f. How often should we send out news releases to the media? 3 marks

3.You are the Communications Manager for your company which has faced a crisis whereby an unknown cause has resulted to a big fire that has brought down part of the organization administration block and in the process important contract documents have been burnt and data destroyed. In the same vein, some six employees were trapped in the building and two are in critical condition at the Nairobi Hospital ICU while four of the employees are dead and the remains of their bodies are yet to be retrieved from the accident site. You are required to organize for a press conference for your CEO to address the Nation on the incident. Discuss what you ought to do from the start to the finish. (25 Marks)

4. You are a reporter with a renowned media house and you have been scheduled to host Ms. Lupita Nyong’o in one of your talk show programs. What kind of an interview are you going to have with her. Kindly elaborate in detail, with the kind of questions that are relevant to ask such a celebrity. (25 Marks)
5. Your bank has considered giving you a loan of Kshs. 5 million that you applied for but on condition that you present a business plan, kindly give details pertaining to the business plan that you intend to give the bank by preparing one. (25 Marks)

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