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Form 4 Geography Paper 2 End Of Term 1 Exam Question Paper

Form 4 Geography Paper 2 End Of Term 1 Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2009

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1a) Highlight 5 benefits of wildlife
b) Outline the problems facing Wildlife in East Africa
2a) Explain why fresh water fishing is more important than sea fishing in Tanzania
b) Explain why major fishing grounds of the world are found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere
3a) State two ways in which tourism attractions in kenya differ from those in Switzerland
b) State two economic benefits of tourism in kenya
4) State two human activities that may lead to soil erosion
5) State two characteristics of bar graphs
6a) Name two methods of fishing used in North America
b) Name three types of fish caught along the west coast of canada
c) Explain how the following factors favour fishing;
Indented coastline
Ocean currents
d) Explain five ways in which marine fisheries in Kenya can be conserved
e) Explain three problems experienced by fishermen while fishing in Lake Victoria
7a) Explain three physical factors that would discourage setting up of a game park on top of Mount Kenya
b) Apart from National parks, outline other four ways in which wildlife is conserved in kenya
C) Give five reasons why domestic tourism is being encouraged in Kenya
d) Outline 5 factors that make Switzerland to receive more tourism than Kenya
8a) State five methods used in reclaiming land in Kenya
b) Explain five factors which should be considered in selecting a wasteland to be reclaimed for agricultural use
c) Describe the steps which are followed in reclamation and preparation of a polder in the Netherlands
d) State three benefits that resulted from reclamation of the Yala swamps.

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