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Cre Form 3 End Of Term 2 Paper 1 Question Paper

Cre Form 3 End Of Term 2 Paper 1 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1 a) Name six Historical books in the Old Testament
b) Describe the second account of creation in Genesis 2:4-23
c) Give seven similarities between the Biblical accounts of creation and Traditional African view of creation

2 a) Describe the call of Abraham in Genesis 12: 1-9
b) Explain the origin of circumcision of Abraham and his descendants Genesis 17:1-16
c) List the relevance of God's promises to Abraham to Christians today .

3. a) Narrate the incidence about the contest between Prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal at My. Carmel 1 Kings 18:17-40
b) Give four conditions that made it difficult for Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel
c) Identify five qualities of Prophet Elijah that a Christian leader should possess

4. a) Give six characteristics of false prophets in Israel .
b) State seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the day if the Lord.
c) How are Christians oppressed in the modern society?

5 a) Explain four evils addressed by Prophet Jeremiah .
b) Explain the teachings of Jeremiah on the new covenant.
C) What lessons do Christians learn from Prophet Jeremiah's teaching on the new covenant?

6a) Explain the stages involved in formalizing a marriage in Traditional African Communities.
b) Why was polygamy common in Traditional African Societies?
c) State six roles of parents in Traditional African families.

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