Computer Studies Form 1 End Of Term 3 Question Paper

Computer Studies Form 1 End Of Term 3 

Course:Computer Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Describe what is a Computer Laboratory.
2. Give the procedures for switching on and off the computer respectively.
3. Give the steps for creating a folder.
4. Define the following terms; a) Recycle Bin
b) Desktop
c) Icon
d) File
5. What are the safety measures that should be taken In a Computer laboratory?
6.Name the features of the window that perform the following functions ;
a) Shows the name of the field and application in use.
b) Contains the start button, time and date.
c) Moves the document vertically and horizontally.
d) Enable the user to type his/ her document.
e) Gives the shortcut to commands.
7. Differentiate between Hard copy and Soft copy.
8. Name the hardware devices that perform the following functions;
a) Display images.
b) Produces a copy on the screen.
c) Produces sound.
d) Point an item.
e) Houses all computer components.
9. Give three input devices and three output devices.

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