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Business Studies Form 3 End Of Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 End Of Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2013

1. Highlight any five reasons why people start businesses.
2. State any four reasons as to why a trader would issue a credit note.
3. Indicate the type of journal in which each of the following transactions are recorded;
a) Motor van sold on credit
b) Goods sold in cash
c) Goods previously sold on credit have returned
d) Goods bought on credit
4. Highlight any four circumstances under which personal selling maybe preferred as a method of product promotion.
5. Explain five negative effects of overpopulation in a developing country.
6. Highlight four factors that may limit the use of land as a factor of production.
7. Explain five reasons why new industries tend to be extracted to well established towns.
8. Explain five reasons why solar power is increasingly becoming popular as an alternative source of energy.
9. List four factors that maybe considered when elevating a business opportunity.
10. Explain any five disadvantages of operating a sole proprietorship form of business.

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