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History And Government Form 2 End Of Term 3 Question Paper

History And Government Form 2 End Of Term 3 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer all questions:
1. Identify two ways in which the early man used stone tools.
2. State two problems faced by traders while using the barter trade system.
3. Give one contribution made by Joseph Lister in the field of medicine in the 19th century.
4. Identify two aspects of the culture of early man that had their origin in the late stone age.
5. State two characteristics of macadamized roads.
6. Give two ways in which Islam spread to Africa in the 19th Century.
7. Identify the collective name of the Turkana, Samburu, and the Maasai.
8.Which two Kenyan communities participated in the long distance trade in the pre-colonial period?
9. Identify two sources of oral traditions as a source of historical information.
10. Identify two characteristics of Government.
11. Mention one way used by archaeologists to locate an archaeological site.
12. Why did the early man start keeping animals?
13. Give two uses of iron in pre-colonial Africa.
14. Name two early urban towns in Africa.
Answer any five questions.
15 a) Give three reasons why Africa is considered the cradle of mankind.
b) Explain six ways through which Homo Erectus attempted to improve his life.
16 a) Identify five traditional forms of water transport.
b) Explain five advantages of Rail Transport.
17 a) Outline five factors that hinder industrialization in third world countries.
b) Explain five results of the Industrial revolution in Europe during the 19th century.
18. a) Name three continents that participated in the Trans-Atlantic trade.
b) Describe the organization of the Trans-Atlantic Trade.
19. a) Identify three modern means of communication in the World.
b) Discuss six positive impacts of telecommunication on modern society.
20. a) What are the problems facing Johannesburg as a modern Urban centre.
b) Explain the effects of Agrarian and Industrial developments on urbanisation.

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