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History And Government Form 4 Term 1 Paper 1 Question Paper

History And Government Form 4 Term 1 Paper 1 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. Give one reason why the Portuguese built Fort Jesus.
2. State two ways through which mission stations promoted the spread of Christianity in Kenya.
3. Name one Kenyan community that dispersed from Mt. Elgon.
4. What was the main objective of political parties that were formed in Kenya after 1945.
5. State two terms of the Anglo-German agreement of 1890.
6. Identify the missionary who was appointed to represent African interests in the LegCo in 1923.
7. Give two roles of Mekatilili in the Agiriama resistance against the British.
8. Mention one constitutional amendment of 1991 in Kenya.
9. State two factors that made the Akamba to participate in the Long Distance Trade.
10. Identify the main evidence that shows democracy exists in Kenya.
11. Name two Bantu communities in Kenya which offered mixed reaction against the British rule.
12. Give the main reason why African nationalists in Kenya formed KADU political parties.
13. State two ways in which Africans benefited from the Devonshire White Paper of 1923.
14. Identify two values of a good Kenyan Citizen.
15. Identify the constitution amendment that led to re-introduction of multipartism in Kenya in 1991.
16. State the main cause of increased slave trade in East Africa in the 19th century.
17. Give two reasons why British used Company rule in Kenya.
Answer any 3 questions.
18 a) In what three ways did introduction of Christianity undermine African culture.
b) Explain six factors that challenged Christian missionaries in their missionary work in Kenya.
19 a) State three ways in which the construction of the Uganda Railway contributed to the development of settler farming in Kenya.
b) Explain six effects of the development of Railway transport in Kenya during the colonial period.
20. a) Identify five factors which made the Maasai to collaborate with the British.
b) Explain five impacts of the Maasai collaboration with the British.
21 a) Identify three causes of conflicts in Kenya.
b) Discuss six results of conflicts in Kenya.
Answer any 2 questions.
22. a)Identify five common political features of the Kenyan societies during the pre-colonial period.
b) Describe the social organisation of the Agikuyu during the pre-colonial period.
23. a) Highlight three advantages of a written constitution to the Kenyan citizens.
b) Describe six features of the Independence constitution in Kenya.
24. a) State five roles Kenya African Union played in promoting Nationalism in Kenya between 1944 - 1953.
b) Explain the contributions of Trade Union movements to the struggle for independence in Kenya.

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