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History And Government Form 4 Term 1 Paper 2  Question Paper

History And Government Form 4 Term 1 Paper 2  

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. State two advantages of oral traditions as a source of History.
2. Give two main economic activities of Homo Erectus.
3. Give the main source of energy during the early period of industrial Revolution.
4. Differentiate between Barter trade and Currency trade.
5. State two roles of the Tuaregs in the Trans-Saharan Trade.
6. State two scientific discoveries in the field of medicine in the 19th Century.
7. Identify two ways in which the Industrial Revolution contributed to colonization of Africa.
8. Identify two social reasons that made the Europeans to colonize Africa.
9. State the contributions of Religion in the MajiMaji rebellion.
10. State two methods used by the French in Administration of their colonies.
11. Give two short comings of the treaty of Versailles.
12. Identify the party the took Mozambique to Independence.
13. State the main cause of the cold war.
14. Mention two communities of Tanzania involved in the MajiMaji war.
15. Give two disadvantages of petroleum as a source of Industrial energy.
Attempt any 3 Questions.
16. a) What factors contributed to the development of Agriculture in Mesopotamia?
b) Describe the impact of Agrarian Revolution in Britain.
17. a) Explain the functions of the city of Cairo.
b) Explain the problems that face Nairobi as an Urban centre.
18. a) Explain the methods used by the international community to hasten majority rule in South Africa.
b) Describe the political organization of Mwene-Mutapa Kingdom.
19. a) What led to the failure of indirect rule in Southern Nigeria.
b) Discuss results of the development of railway transport in the 19th century.
Attempt any 2 Questions.
20. a) Give factors that have undermined scientific advancement in less developed countries.
b) Explain factors which have hindered rapid industrialization in Third World countries.
21. a) Mention the Economic activities of the Buganda Kingdom in the pre-colonial period.
b) Account for the rise and growth of the Asante Empire in the pre-colonial period.
22. a) Mention types of Early written messages.
b) Mention four pre-historic sites in Tanzania.
c) Explain effects of the development of Iron technology in Africa in the pre-colonial period.

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