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Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. a) Discuss 5 reasons why a country should control it's Population.
b) Discuss 5 factors considered when choosing a means of transport.
2. a) Discuss 5 factors that influence supply of a commodity in the market.
b) Discuss 5 disadvantages of a partnership.
3. a) Discuss 5 roles played by stock exchange in the economic development of a country.
b) Discuss 5 roles played by insurance to the county's development.
4. a) Discuss 5 reasons for the government involvement in business activities.
b) Discuss 5 ways through which the government protects consumers.
5. a) Discuss 5 factors that influence entrepreneurship in Kenya.
b) Discuss 5 elements that constitute the internal environment of a business organization.
6. a) Explain 5 services rendered by wholesalers to manufacturers.
b) Highlight 5 roles played by Filing in an office.

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