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History And Government Form 3 Term 2 Question Paper

History And Government Form 3 Term 2 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. State two importances of studying History and Government.
2. Name two archaeological sites found in Ethiopia.
3. Highlight two features of third world countries.
4. Identify two Kenyan communities that belong to the southern cushites.
5. State two duties of the Morans among the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.
6. State two archaeological evidences that proves early visitors came to the East African Coast before 1500
7. Name two Portuguese officials who conquered the East African coast.
8. Identify two methods of trade in Kenya.
9. List two women who participated in the Mau Mau war.
10. Identify two uses of satellites in the World.
11. Name two political organizations that were formed in Kenya after the 1st World War
12. State two significance of the Devonshire White Paper to the Africans.
13. Why was KADU formed in Kenya?
14. a) State 5 features of early agriculture in Britain before the Agrarian revolution.
b) Explain five effects of food shortage in 3rd world countries.
15. a) State three duties of the Kabaka of the Buganda Kingdom in the 19th century.
b) Describe the social organization of the Buganda Kingdom in the 19th Century.
16.a) State three scientific inventions in medicine.
b) Explain six positive impacts of scientific inventions on agriculture.
17. a) Identify three trade commodities that were exported from Africa to Europe during the Trans-Atlantic trade.
b) Describe how the Trans-Atlantic trade was organized.
18. a) State five causes of the Franco-Madinka war.
b) Explain five reasons that led to the defeat of Samori Toure by the French.
19. a) Name three countries that were colonised by the French in West Africa.
b) Describe the French Hierarchy of Administration during the French West African Colonisation.

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