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Christian Religious Education Form 3 Term 1 Paper 1 Question Paper

Christian Religious Education Form 3 Term 1 Paper 1 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1 a) Relate the translation of the Bible from it's original version to date.
b) Identify any seven English versions of the Bible used in Kenya today.
c) Give reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians today.
2. a) Describe the second account of creation in Genesis.
b) Outline the teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 on marriage.
c) Identify ways in which Christians care for God's creation today.
3. a) Explain relevance role of Abraham's act of faith to Christians today.
b) List five unconditional covenants God made with His people in the Old Testament.
c) Identify seven ways in which God manifested Himself to the Israelites on the Third day during the making of the Sinai Covenant.
4. a) Outline the duty of prophet Samuel in Israel.
b) Explain why prophet Samuel was against kinship in Israel.
c) Identify seven factors that have affected the true worship of God today.
5. a) Describe the Mount Carmel contest.
b) Why did Elijah face hostility and danger as a prophet of God in Israel?
c) What lessons can a Christian learn from prophet Elijah's missions?
6. a) Name five specialists in Traditional African Communities.
b) Give five reasons why cleansing rituals were performed in Traditional African Communities.
c) State the factors undermining the status of elders in African societies.

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