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Christian Religious Education Form 3 End Of Term 2 Paper 2 Question Paper

Christian Religious Education Form 3 End Of Term 2 Paper 2 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. a) Outline what Angel Gabriel revealed about John the Baptist when he announced his birth to Zachariah.
b) From the story of the early life of Jesus up to twelve years, identify ways through which he is seen as coming from a poor background.
c) Give reasons why children should take part in church activities.
2. a) With reference to the sermon on the plain, state five teachings of Jesus on how human beings should relate to one another.
b) Describe the incident in which Jesus calmed the storm. (Luke 8: 22-25)
c) Identify six virtues that Christians learn from the miracles of the five thousand men.
3. a) Outline seven events that took place on Mount Olives before the arrest of Jesus.
b) Give six reasons why Peter denied Jesus.
c) Why is the death of Jesus important to Christians?
4. a) Describe the healing of the Gethsemane demoniac in Luke 8: 26-39.
b) State six ways in which the Holy spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost.
c) How are the gifts of the Holy spirit misused in the Church today?
5. a) Explain the Unity of Believers as it is expressed in the image of the vine and the branches. (John 15: 1-10.)
b) Give six ways through which Christians promote unity among themselves in Kenya today.
c) Identify the factors that can bring conflict among church leaders.

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