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Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2012

FORM 3. TERM 2 .

1)Identify 4 services that a wholesaler renders to retailers.

2)State four disadvantages of concentrating Industries in one area within the country.

3)In each of the following cases, indicate whether the supply will increase, decrease or remain constant .
a)If the demand for coffee rises, the supply of tea is likely to...
b)If the prices of cars fall, the supply of petrol is likely to...
C)If the demand for beef increases, the supply of wool is likely to...

4)Give 4 characteristics of a perfect competition.

5)State 4 ways in which the Kenyan government protects consumers.

6)Highlight 4 advantages of warehousing to a manufacturer.

7)Give 3 reasons why a manufacturer may offer after-sales services to his customers.

8)State 4 circumstances under which a business man would choose to transport goods by air.

9)Classify the following services as either consumer services or producer services
a) Hair dressing
b) Shoe shining
c) Banking
d) Warehousing

10) State 4 factors considered when evaluating business opportunities.

11)Identify 4 advantages of a public limited company.

12)Give 4 diffrences between endowment policy and whole life policy.

13) Highlight 4 factors considered when choosing a medium of communication.

14)Give 4 factors considered when buying office equipment.

15)Identify 4 functions of intermediaries.

16) Highlight 4 circumstances under which a manufacturer may prefer to sell goods directly to the consumers.

17)Name the factors of production that each of the following resources relate to;
a) Manager
b) vehicle
C) cotton
d) owner

18) state 4 problems faced by consumers'co-operative societies.

19) State 4 circumstances under which a partnership may be dissolved.

20) Highlight 4 limitations of money orders.

21) Highlight 4 desirable characteristics of an entrepreneur.

22) State 4 advantages of public corporations.

23) Highlight 4 advantages of newspaper advertising.

24) State 4 ways the government may influence the supply of a commodity.

25) Highlight 4 factors that constitute a healthy business environment.

26) State 3 disadvantages of hire purchase.

27) Highlight 3 advantages of division of labour and specialization.

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