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History And Government Form 4 Mid-Year Paper 1 Question Paper

History And Government Form 4 Mid-Year Paper 1 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1) Give the meaning of Government.
2) Identify one community in Kenya which had a centralized government.
3) Identify the main economic activity of the plain Nilotes during the Pre-colonial Period.
4) Give two factors which influenced Seyyid Said to develop agriculture in Zanzibar in the 19th Century.
5) Name one Catholic missionary that founded mission stations among the Akamba.
6) Identify two peaceful development rights of the children.
7) Identify two peaceful methods of resolving conflicts.
8) Identify two ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen.
9) Identify two communities that resisted the establishment of colonial rule in Kenya.
10) Give two political reasons that led to the scramble and partition for East Africa.
11) Identify two methods to acquire labour for white settlers during the colonial period.
12) Give the main ideological difference between KANU and KADU before independence.
13) Name one ex-official member of parliament in Kenya.
14) State two functions of the Senate in Kenya.
15) Give the main role of opposition parties in Kenya.
16) State one type of government expenditure in Kenya.
17) What is the main role of the attonery general in kenya?

18 (a) state five reasons for the migration of the Highland Nilotes from their original homeland during the pre-colonial period.
(b) Explain five effects of the migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes.
19 a) State five reasons why Christian missionaries established mission stations in Kenya during the pre colonial period
b) Explain five factors that undermined Christian Missionary activities in Kenya during the 19th Century.
20 a) State five problems that the imperial British East Africa Company faced in administering Kenya.
b) Explain five social effects of colonial rule on the Africans in Kenya.
21 a) Identify five methods that the colonial government used to discourage the activities of the Mau Mau movement in Kenya.
b) Explain five reasons why the Mau Mau movement was able to last for a long time.
Answer any two questions :
22 a) Identify three stages in making of the Constitution in Kenya.
b) Describe six factors that are likely to interfere with free and fair elections.
23 a) Identify three categories of people where personal liberty is limited.
b) Explain six factors that promote National unity in Kenya.
24 a) State five qualifications that must be fulfilled by an aspiring member of parliament in the National Assembly.
b) Explain five ways through which the independence of the Judiciary is guaranteed in Kenya.

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