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History And Government Form 2 Term 2 Question Paper

History And Government Form 2 Term 2 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2011

1) State five functions of Orkoiyot among the Nandi upto the 19th century
2) Identify five negative impacts of the missionary activities to Kenya in the 19th century
3)State the cultural and economic activities of man which developed during the middle Stone Age
4) List five reasons why Africa is considered as the Cradle of man
5)Highlight five importances of National integration in Kenya
6) Name five trade commodities from Europe to Africa during the Trans-Atlantic Trade
7) State five factors that facilitated the spread of iron working skills in Africa
8) What are the disadvantages of using coal as a source of energy in industries?
9) State five reasons why Britain pioneered the industrial Revolution in the World
10) What are the disadvantages of open-field system of farming in Britain before Agrarian Revolution
11) Describe the social organisation of the Mijikenda during the pre-colonial period
12) Explain the consequences of long distance trade to the people of East Africa
13) What factors undermined the spread of Christianity in Kenya in the 19th century
14) Explain five reasons for the decline of the Trans-Atlantic Trade
15) Explain the negative effects of modern means of transport in Kenya today.

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