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Btm 211 : Tourism Eonomics Question Paper

Btm 211 : Tourism Eonomics 

Course:Bachelor Of Tourism Management

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer Question ONE and any OTHER three questions
Duration is 3 hours

1. (a) Discuss the characteristics of various types of tourism business units in Kenya (10mks)
(b) Explain the ways in which tourism firms grow (8mks)
(c) Explain i) the concept and ii) role of tourism satellite account (7mks)

2. (a) Expound on the Laws of demand and supply (5mks)
(b) Considering the institution you intend to be attached, discuss the characteristics of its tourism
product. (10mks)
(c) Discuss the factors that determine demand for the tourism product. (10mks)

3. (a) Examine the determinants of expenditure by tourists at any given destination. (15mks)
(b) Explain strategies that the government of Kenya can pursue in order to enhance the daily per capita
expenditure by both domestic and international tourists. (10mks)

4. (a) What are the determinants of bed occupancy rate in Kenya`s Maasailand tourist circuit. (15mks)
(b) How could the occupancy levels in the region be increased. (10mks)

5. (a) Discuss the concept of equilibrium. (5mks)
(b) With the help of relevant diagrams, discuss how an equilibrium of inclusive tour package is attained.
(c) Examine the factors causing shifts in tourism equilibrium. (10mks)

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