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Form 1 Business Studies Term 3 Question Paper

Form 1 Business Studies Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)State 5 factors that would cause a cheque to be dishonoured

2)Discuss 4 disadvantages of using a credit card as a means of payment

3)Why would a trader prefer to sell goods on deferred payment terms rather than on higher purchase

4)Describe any two means of payment provided by commercial banks

5)What do you understand by the term business

6)State five reasons why secondary school students should study business studies

7)Explain what you understand by the term business environment

8)Discuss the factors that should be considered when analysing the internal environment of a business

9)Explain 3 ways in which suppliers can influence the operations of a business

10)State the characteristics of human wants

11)Cite three examples of free economic resources

12)Define the term scarcity

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