Kcse 2014 English Paper 1 With Answers Question Paper
Kcse 2014 English Paper 1 With Answers
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2014
1 You have recently visited a schoolmate during the holidays and thoroughly enjoyed yourself.
Write a letter to the sehoolmate, thanking him or her for the invitation. Describe the experiences that made your stay memorable. (20 marks)
2 Read the passage below and ?ll in each blank space with an appropriate word. (10 marks)
An outline is an organized list of what you plan to write about. lt is a sketch of what your essay will (1) .......................................... .. like. It is also a guide which will keep you on the right (2) when you are writing your ?rst draft.
ln the (3) .......................................... .. stages, your outline should be a changing, working outline; in (4) .......................................... .. ?nal form, your outline should be a “table of contents” of what you have “said” (5) .......................................... .. your essay.
(6) .......................................... .., for instance, you were assigned to write an essay about trees, you might choose to write about “Trees used for fuel”. In the planning of your paper, you might decide to (7) .......................................... .. your topic into “Trees for ?rewood” (8) .......................................... .. “Trees used for charcoal”.
You might then (9) .......................................... .. divide your subtopics into the different kinds of trees (l0) .......................................... .. for each purpose.
Adapted from: Write Source 2000 compiled by Patrick Sebranek, Verne Meyer, and Dave Kemper (1995).
3.(a)Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
The Cowtail Swish
Once upon a time, there lived a much loved village chief. He loved hunting and would share the meat with the entire village. One day, he went hunting as usual but didn’t return. His people became very worried. They searched and searched for him.
As they searched, they kept singing his favorite song, hoping that he’d sing back in response. The song echoed throughout the forest:
Mother nature, mother nature
You have enough for all
Mother nature, may my arrow ?nd much meat
Meat to feed all my people
After a long ?uitless search, the chief was presumed dead. Shortly afterwards, his wife gave birth to their seventh son. With his ?rst breath, he asked, “What happened to my father?”
“Have you ever seen anything like this?” the villagers whispered among themselves in amazement.
“Never, ever!” was the soft reply all round. Immediately, the newborn’s question prompted his six older brothers to embark on another search for their father. lt was with sadness that they discovered that he’d been swallowed by a python.
Luckily, each of them was endowed with special talents and powers which they combined to restore their father’s life. The whole village danced and danced, the joyful pata pata of their feet resounding throughout the village.
Now, a big, big problem arose; who among the sons would become heir one day and receive the Cow-tail swish which was the symbol of authority? Each of the six sons claimed that it was his magical powers that had brought their father back from the land of the spirits. Each claim sounded as valid and as potent as the next.
in confusion, the villagers scratched their heads like chickens scratching the ground. “Well, our land has many rivers, each with its source. Likewise, the search that eventually led to the restoration of my life had a source,” the chief said in a tone of ?nality.
All the eyes of the villagers turned on the infant son. They remembered the proverb that says: a man is only truly dead when he is not remembered.
(i) Illustrate any four features that show that this is an oral narrative. (4 marks)
(ii) Which gesture would you use while saying the words: “With the entire village” in the ?rst paragraph? (1 mark)
(iii) Which is the main sound feature used in the song? (2 marks)
(iv) Identify an ideophone in the story. (l mark)
For every word in the sentence below, provide another that is identical in pronunciation. Aren’t you here for eight days? (6 marks)
(c) Which intonation would you use to say each of the underlined words? (5 marks)
Omenda, What time is the meeting tomorrow?
Omenda: (Surprised) Tomorrow!
You didn’t forget, did §@?
Omenda: I’m afraid I E.
(d) Imagine that one afternoon you see one of your classmates sneak out of the school compound and get into a waiting car. You decide to report the matter to the teacher on duty. What three important details must you include in your oral report? (3 marks)
(e) Fill in the gaps in the following conversation so that it ?ows naturally.
Mark:Martha, I would like to invite you to a football game at Kasarani stadium tomorrow afternoon.
Martha:....................................................................................................... .. (1 mark)
Mark:Oh! Why is it that many girls are not football fans? Anyway, even if you don’t enjoy the game, you might enjoy my company.
Martha:....................................................................................................... ..(l mark)
Mark:Thank you. That’s nice of you to say. So, is it a deal then?
Martha:....................................................................................................... .. (1 mark)
Mark:And what condition is that?
Martha:....................................................................................................... ..(l mark)
Mark:But I don’t like watching movies. ............................................................... .. ....................................................................................................... ..(l mark)
Martha: Boring? In that case ..................................................................................... .. ....................................................................................................... ..(l mark)
Mark:Wait. Wait. ....................................................................................................... .. (1 mark)
Martha:I don’t think you’re being sel?sh; all the same, I accept your apology.
Mark:...................................................................... .. I agree with your suggestion. A football game followed by a movie it shall be.
English Paper 2 (101/2)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Developers’ bulldozers have been leveling thousands of acres of rain forest every day in recent years to make way for human habitation. As a result, one plant or animal species a day is added to the list of those that have become extinct on this planet. This destruction must stop.
Rain forests must be protected because they offer the human race many irreplaceable resources. Rain forests are a special category of forests found only in the tropical regions of the world, usually close to the equator.
True to their name, rain averages 80 inches a year in these forests. This rain, coupled with the warm tropical temperatures, creates dense lush vegetation. Little light gets through to the ground, but on the canopy and immediately below on the trees, plant and insect life abounds and is rich with bene?ts for humanity.
One major use of rain forests is biomedical. The plants and animals found there are a source of many rare compounds used by pharmaceutical companies. it is the products of such companies that sufferers of Parkinson’s disease and certain mental conditions have to thank.
And the discoveries have just begun. Scientists say that rain forests contain over a thousand plants that have great anticancer potential. To destroy life forms in these forests is to deprive the human race of further medical advance.
Another reason for saving rain forests is the crucial role they play in maintaining the global natural balance. Living organisms exist with each other, meaning that when one is eliminated, another can over-multiply to the detriment of the environment.
For example, when developers clear forested areas to make way for “civilization”, birds lose their nesting sites and no longer eat the insects there. These insects flourish and attack farm crops. The subsequent destruction of agriculture causes a serious food shortage and as we know, a hungry nation cannot develop. Most important, rain forests must be protected because their trees regulate the planet’s oxygen supply.
They help to balance atmospheric conditions by manufacturing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide creates what is called the “greenhouse” effect, a process that is responsible for global warming which in turn could lead to the sub-merging of coastal regions and islands. Can you imagine waking up one morning to the announcement that Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu and Rusinga Islands are no more? Also, rain forests regulate the climate. If they are destroyed, the greenhouse effect could change rainfall patterns so that areas formally used for agriculture become deserts.
We may not be there yet, but are we not already contending with uncharacteristic long dry spells that bring about famine‘?
In future, the pressure on rain forests will become worse, not better, given that the human population keeps growing. The pessimist believes nothing can be done. The optimist, on the other hand, strongly believes that people can work together to slow, even reverse, the pace of destruction. Stand up to be counted.
Adapted from Handbook for Writers by Lynn Quitman Troyka.
Published by Prentice Hall lnc. (1987).
(a)Referring to the ?rst paragraph, say Why the destruction of the rain forests must be stopped. (2 marks)
(b)Why are the forests described in the passage called rain forests? (2 marks)
(c)Rewrite the following sentence beginning “So close The huge evergreen trees are so close together that their branches overlap and form an enormous towering canopy. (1 mark)
(d)How will medical advance be affected by the destruction of rain forests? (3 marks)
(e)Explain why the author has put the word “civilization” between quotation marks. (2 marks)
(f)In not more than 40 words, summarize the effects of the greenhouse effect. (4 marks)
Rough copy
Fair copy
(g)What kind of pressure do you think the author is talking about in the last paragraph? (2 marks)
(h)Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage: (4 marks)
(i) deprive; .................................................................................................................. ..
(ii) detriment; ............................................................................................................... ..
(m) contending with; ..................................................................................................... ..
(iv) Stand up to be counted. .......................................................................................... ..
2.Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.
The day ?nally arrived and it was a day as full of beauty as the day in which Owuor Kembo ofSakwa, in full battle regalia and a leopard skin loin piece had come to pay suit to the great Chief Odero Gogni of Yimbo for the hand of his daughter Akoko Obanda.
Yet some things were different. A stone’s throw away was the church with its tall steeple bearing a cross at the top — a symbol of the new and different Way of life, yet in some ways reminiscent of the reverence once paid to Were — the god of the eye of the rising sun who had guided the people.
Further along was the school — the place of learning without which one was as a blind man in a strange house. All round was evidence of the rule of the white people who were good administrators but often unjust and unheeding to the pleas and aspirations of their black subjects.
Indeed in the Central Province and in Nairobi especially among the Kikuyu, there were rumors of mass uprising against the colonial powers. Oloo the son of Sigu, otherwise known as Mark Anthony, arrived with his entourage of six including his uncle, at mid-moming.
Aware of the importance and the impact of presence and carriage he arrived in his military fatigues, a colobus monkey headdress and a spear in his hand.
He was after all a soldier. It was an intriguing combination of the old and the new. Anyone else might have looked odd but Oloo looked dashing. His complexion was deceptively light and it drew questioning glances from his hosts and hostesses.
Had their daughter decided to marry a ja-mwa — a foreigner? Apart from Akoko who must have left her mother’s womb with a broad outlook, all of them were strictly parochial and marriage to even a Luhya from across the border was considered a catastrophe.
it was therefore a relief when the suitors broke into pure Luo with the dialect of the middle region of Ramogi. Their daughter was a prize, a beacon, a source of pride for the entire clan. They simply could not bear giving her away to a stranger.
“Brothers, we greet you and bring you many greetings from the people of Seme. My nephew, Oloo, son of my late brother Sigu, came to me and said: ‘Father, l have found a girl and l want to get married’.
Now l am a reasonable man and l know the ways of Chik, so l asked him: ‘Son, one does not just ?nd a girl in the air. One sends ajawan ’gy0 to go and spy a girl and ?nd out her antecedents and character. ls she a thief or a witch? ls she lazy or shiftless? Might there be consanguinity between you and her? Who is her mother and father?’ l tell you my brothers, that I was ?abbergasted to hear that none of these things had ever crossed his mind.
He knew that her mother’s name was Maria and her grandmother’s name was Akoko and that was all. You will therefore forgive us brothers because we do not know you and you do not know us. We only came because we had faith in our son who has always been a reasonable man.
We therefore Wish to introduce ourselves before we go on. I am Semo Rakula of Seme, our village is near that strange rock — upon — a — rock, Kit-Mikai. We are the descendants of that great warrior, Nyagudi Kogambi.
Oloo and these young men are my sons and a nephew. Oloo is a man of learning and What is more, a soldier who has fought for the white man in distant lands. Now he is a clerk with a big Kambi (company) in Nakuru, where he gets a good salary. So should this suit be acceptable to all you need have no fear that your daughter will starve.
I tell you these things because there are things a jawan ’gyo would have found out for you. Thank you brothers”. A pot of kong ’o was moved near him and he drew a long refreshing drought.
Some things never change — a spokesman always needs to irrigate his throat.
(a)What role had Akoko played in preparation for this day? (2 marks)
(b)What feelings does this day arouse in Akoko? Explain your answer. (3 marks)
(c)Why was Christianity not so strange after all in this community? (3 marks)
(d)How can we tell that the narrator has a positive attitude towards schools? (2 marks)
(e)Make notes on what we learn about Oloo from this excerpt. (5 marks)
(f)What concerns should be addressed before a man and a woman are allowed to marry? (3 marks)
(g)Why do you think Oloo’s uncle says what he says in his speech? (3 marks)
(h)“Their daughter was a prize, a beacon, a source of pride for the entire clan”. (Rewrite the sentence beginning: Not only........). (1 mark)
(i)Explain the meaning of the following expressions as they are used in the passage: (3 marks)
(i) unheeding ............................................................................................................... ..
(ii) intriguing ................................................................................................................ ..
(m) parochial ................................................................................................................. ..
3.Read the song below and then answer the questions that follow.
Listen! Dear Bride
Oh my sister, listen!
From this day, you won’t go dancing,
From this day, you won’t go to the dance,
From this day, you won’t go dancing,
You’ll dance only on the path to the river.
My sister, will you listen?
From this day, you won’t sit chatting,
From this day, you Won’t sit to chat,
From this day, you won’t sit chatting,
You’ll only chat on the path to the farm.
Daughter of my mother listen!
From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
From this day, you won’t enjoy to tease,
From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
You’ll only tease the baby on your lap.
Listen my dear sister!
You’ll,dance only on the path to the river.
You’ll chat only on the path to the farm.
You’ll tease only the baby on your lap.
From this day, life will change.
Have you heard, daughter of my mother?
You will not go dancing, dance today.
You will not sit chatting, chat today.
You will not enjoy teasing, tease today.
From this day, life will change.
Kenyan Wedding Song
(a) Who do you think are the singers of this song? Give reasons for your answer. (3 marks)
(b) identify two features which qualify this text as a song. (4 marks)
(c) Brie?y explain what the society’s expectations of a married woman are, according to this song. (3 marks)
(d) Give two purposes that this song can serve. (4 marks)
(e) How do you think a bride responds when this song is sung during a wedding? (3 marks)
(f) What is the relationship between the fourth stanza and the stanzas that come before it? (2 marks)
(g) Explain the effect of using the phrase “daughter of my mother” instead of “my sister”. (l mark)
4 (a) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (4 marks)
(i) l would gladly have helped them were it not for the shortage of funds at the time.
(Begin: But ...)
(ii) What we need are such ideas. (Begin: It is ...)
(m) The Board of Governors has been looking into the matter. (End: Board of Governors.)
(iv) “How often do you come here?” Mathenge asked his friend.
(Rewrite in indirect speech
(b) Rewrite the following sentences, correcting the error in each. (5 marks)
(i) Most people prefer playing football than hockey.
(ii) Emachar is the most highest paid employee in this company.
(iii) I demand to know what is this.
(iv) The fact that you cannot be able to do it does not mean it is impossible.
(V) “My names are John Kamau Mwangi,” the little boy murmured.
(c) Use the correct form of the word in brackets in the sentences that follow. (4 marks)
(i) Each category of verbs (behave) in a different way.
(ii) I wonder why the bell is being (ring) this early.
(iii) I could not remember the (de?ne) of the word.
(iv) The (enormous) of the crisis was shocking.
(d) Rewrite the sentences below, replacing the underlined idiomatic expression with words of similar meaning. (2 marks)
(i) There are some who will try to rock the boat during the meeting.
(ii) Can we stop ?ogging a dead horse and instead move on to something more useful?
3.1.3 English Paper 3 (101/3)
Answer three questions only.
1 Imaginative Composition (Compulsory) (20 marks)
(a) Write a story beginning with:
When We arrived at the crime scene,
(b) Write a story to illustrate the saying:
Charity begins at home.
2 The compulsory Set Text (20 marks)
Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle
“Being a biological mother is only a ?rst step: the real moral challenge is to be motherly.” Write an essay in response to this statement, referring to the roles of Natella Abashwili and Grusha in The Caucasian Chalk Circle.
3 The Optional Set Texts
Answer any one of the following three questions. (20 marks)
(a) The Short Story
llieva Emilia and Waveney Olembo (Ed.), When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories.
“Living with HIV and AIDS does not have to be a death sentence.” With reference to Goro Wa Kamau’s When the Sun Goes Down, write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.
(b) Drama
Francis lmbuga, Betrayal in the City
Using illustrations from Betrayal in the City, write an essay on the effects of strikes.
(c) The Novel
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
“Many societies have practices that discriminate against women.”
Using examples from Witi lhimaera’s novel, The Whale Rider, write an essay in support of this statement.
4.0 The Year 2014 KCSE Examination Marking Schemes
4.1 English (101)
4.1.1 English Paper 1 (101/1)
1. Award marks as follows:
Format - (5 marks)
This is a friendly letter
Address (1 mark)
Date (1 mark)
Salutation (1 mark)
Closing (1 mark)
Name (1 mark)
- If four of the items are wrong deduct. 2 marks
- Deduct upto 3 marks for mixed format.
Content - (8 marks) — greetings.
— expressing thanks.
— describing the most memorable experiences - at least 3 experiences. No marks for merely mentioning. Award for vivid and interesting description.
- If the writer is the one being visited deduct 2 marks for irrelevancy.
Language use and mechanics of writing (7 marks)
— correctness of expression
— Word choice (diction)
— variety of vocabulary and sentence structure
— spelling
— punctuation
— paragraphing
1. look
2. path/track
3. early/initial
4. its
5. in
6. it
7. divide/sub-divide
8. and
10. suitable
3- (a) (i)The beginning - Once upon a time.
repetition - e.g. searched and searched,
danced and danced, Mother nature, big, big.
conversational words - e.g. now, well/dialogue/contracting/direct address.
use of a proverb - a man is truly dead when he is not remembered.
use of a song - Mother nature my people.
reference to magical powers/fantasy.
Timelessness - once upon a time.
Hyperbole - scratching heads like children.
Use of ideophone - patapata.
(Any 4 well illustrated points for 4 marks each,
no mark if an illustration is not given)
(ii)— a hand motion that sweeps over the whole audience. (l mark)
- an outward opening of arms.
(iii)— Alliteration in - mother nature, may my arrow ?nd much meat. Sound /m/ is repeated. (2 marks)
(iv)pata pata
(b)aunt, ewe, hear, four/fore, ate, daze. (6 marks)
(C)Malusu: Omenda tomorrow - falling
Omenda: Tomorrow - rising - falling
Malusu: forget - falling. @ - rising
Omenda: l’m did - falling (5 marks)
Name of the classmate (mandatory)
Time of the incident (mandatory)
Details of the car i.e., any detail about the car e.g. registration/colour/make/ occupants. Both the student and the car must be described. (mandatory)
(3 marks)
(e) Mark:Martha, I would like to invite you to a football game at Kasarani Stadium tomorrow afternoon.
Martha: Thank you but I’m not a football fan. (l mark)
Mark:Oh. Why is it that many girls are not football fans? Anyway, even if you don’t enjoy the game, you might enjoy my company.
Martha: I always enjoy your company. (l mark)
Mark:Thank you. That is nice of you to say. So, is it a deal then?
Martha: Yes, but on one condition.
Mark:And what condition is that?
Martha:That we Watch a movie after the football game. (1 mark)
Mark:But I don’t like Watching movies. I ?nd them so boring! (1 mark)
Martha:Boring? In that case, I won’t accompany you to the game.
(1 mark)
Mark:Wait. Wait. I’m very sorry for being sel?sh. (1 mark)
Martha:I don’t think you’re being sel?sh; all the same, I accept your apology.
Mark:Thank you. I agree with your suggestion. A football game followed by a movie it shall be. (1 mark)
4.1.2 English Paper 2 (101/2)
l. (a) Because they offer the human race many irreplaceable resources/ leads to animals and plants extinction. (2 marks)
(b) - Rainforests get their name from the fact that they receive very high rainfall which averages 80 inches a year.
- Creates dense, lush vegetation. (2 marks)
(c) So close together are the huge evergreen trees that their branches overlap and form an enormous towering canopy. (l mark)
(d) - Rare compounds used by pharmaceutical companies will be lost.
- If these forests are destroyed, this research will not be possible and we may never ?nd a cure for cancer / possibility of further medical discoveries will be hindered.
- This will adversely affect the sufferers of Parkinson’s disease and mental conditions.
(expect all the 3 points, l mark each)
(e) - Civilization is supposed to build, rather than destroy.
- It is used ironically/it means the opposite/it is sarcastic (expect an explanation) eg. civilization is supposed to better life rather than destroy.
(f) Sample summary
The greenhouse effect causes global warming ®which could subsequently lead to the submerging of coastal regions / islands It also disrupts rainfall patterns / brings long dry s ells, making former agricultural areas deserts This results in famine. CB (32 Words) (4 marks)
- Allow a maximum of 40 words. Answer must be in continuous prose, if not deduct 50% of candidate’s score.
(g) The pressure is about the demand for more human settlement, ®fuel and raw materials such as wood ® and for cultivation (any 2 l mark each)
(h) (i) deprive - deny/disposess/rob/strip
(ii) detriment - harrn/damage/ destruction/disadvantage
(iii) contending with - dealing with/ grappling with/ struggling with/ combating/ striving with/ facing.
(iv) Stand up to be counted - make up your mind to support/ make your decision to join the struggle to (conserve rain forests)/ be pan of the solution.
2. Compulsory Novel.
Margaret Ogolla, The River and the Source
(a) - Convinced Maria to accept Mark Antony Oloo as an aspiring suitor.
- Organized for the invitation/invited male relatives according to chik/traditions.
- She did the actual preparations for the day ie. food and drinks.
(2 marks)
(b) - Nostalgic / fond memories.
- This day reminds Akoko of her own betrothal to Owuor Kembo.
(identi?cation - 2 marks, illustration l mark, illustration without identi?cation - O)
(c) - Christianity was not so strange because the Christian God could be compared to Were. ® Just as the people here had traditionally aid reverence to Were, Christianity teaches that people ought to stand in awe of God. ®Were rovides guidance to the people and Christians believe that their God does too. ® (3 marks)
OR - Complete quote from: “A stones throw away ---- -- guided the people.” (2 marks) Penalize lifting.
(d) The narrator says that the school is “the place of learning without which one was as a blind man in a strange house.” @The narrator implies that education brings enlightenment and broadens a person’s perspective (any one point = 2 marks)
(e) - Oloo is eager to make a lasting impression/ man of style/dressed to impress.
His attire is ostentatious/dashing. He has also managed to blend tradition with modernity. Discerning/shrewd.
- He is ignorant of some traditional practices (like making prior inquiries about the girl’s background).
- Oloo also respects tradition (because he involves his family in the marriage negotiations).
- He is learned.
- He was a soldier/fought white man in distant land/widely traveled.
- He is clerk.
- He earns a good salary/hard working.
- He is of light complexion.
- He is reasonable.
- Luo from Seme.
- Descedant of Nyagudi Kogambi.
- He has no father.
- He is responsible.
(5 marks)
(f) It should be established that a girl is of good character and that she comes from a respectable family. It must also be made clear whether or not there is a blood relation between the man and the woman. (3 marks)
(g) - Oloo’s uncle wants to make it clear that his nephew is beyond reproach/blameless/ good character. His objective is to convince the girl’s family that she is lucky to be chosen as Oloo’s future wife because he has good education and a good job and can therefore adequately provide for her/ to give assurance that their girl will be taken care of .
- To impress the prospective in-laws.
- To reveal what the spy would have told them.
- To apologize/create rapport/create understanding between the two families.
(3 marks)
(h) Not only was their daughter a prize and a beacon, but she was also a source of pride for the entire clan. (l mark)
(i) (i) Unheeding ....................... .. insensitive/ deaf/showing disregard/blind.
(l mark)
(ii) Intriguing ...................... .. puzzling/ mysterious/fascinating/interesting/ charming. (l mark)
(m) Parochial ...................... .. narrow-minded/ ignorant/conservative (1 mark) (3 marks)
3. (a) The singers are unmarried people, most likely girls. This is because they focus on the things that unmarried girls enjoy./ It is sang by married women because they are the ones who know what responsibilities and restrictions a married woman faces.
- Sisters/brothers, “Oh my sister”, “Daughter of my mother”.
(3 marks)
(b) ' Repetition - in all the stanzas, lines two, three and four are very similar. Stanzas four and ?ve basically repeat what is in the earlier stanzas.
“from this day”. (expect a quote)
- Regular rhythm pattern - the stanzas have ?ve lines each, and the lines are very close in length.
Structure - organized/it has stanzas - made up of lines.
Direct address in line l of every stanza “Oh my sister, listen!”
- Alliteration, “Have you heard”.
- Rhetorical question, “Have you heard”.
- Direct translation, “Daughter of my mother”.
(any 2 for 2 marks each) = (4 marks)
(c) The society expects married women to:
Fetch water
Work on the farm
Have babies and take care of them
Not to spend time idling/chatting
(Any 3, l mark)
Communicate the reality of marriage to the bride/educate/ready/advise.
Entertainment during a Wedding
Communicate the society’s expectations to the bride/caution/Warm.
Tease the bride
(Any 2 for 2 marks each) = (4 marks)
Laughs/be amused/smile - Perhaps she has done it to many other brides in the past.
Weep/cry - It brings to realization the seriousness of the step she is taking.
Act de?antly to mean that what they are saying will not be her experience / she is ready for Whatever lies ahead of her.
Expressing doubt/uncertainity/fear apprehension, “From this day, life will change”. (3 marks)
(f) The 4th stanza summarises @the signi?cant content in the ?rst three stanzas; (D emphasises/concludes the message of the song. (2 marks)
(g)The phrase “daughter of my mother” is more endearing/shows the closeness between the singers and the bride. (1 mark)
4. (a) (i)But for the shortage of funds at the time, I would gladly have helped them/ I would have gladly helped them.
(ii)It is such ideas (that) We need.
(iii)The matter has been being looked into by the Board of Governors.
(iv)Mathenge asked his friend how often he went there.
(4 marks)
Comma missing = O
(b) (i)Most people prefer playing football to hockey.
(ii)Emachar is the highest paid employee in this company./ Emachar is the most
highly paid employee in this company.
(iii)I demand to know What this is.
(iv)The fact that you cannot do it does not mean (that) it is impossible./ The fact that you are not able/unable to do it does not mean it is impossible.
(V)“My name is John Kamau Mwangi,” the little boy murmured.
(5 marks)
(c) (i)Each category of verbs behaves in a different Way.
(ii)I Wonder why the bell is being rung this early.
(iii)I could not remember the de?nition of the word.
(iv)The enormity of the crisis was shocking.
(4 marks) Wrong spelling = O
(d) (i)There are some who will try to cause trouble/con?ict/disagreements during the meeting.
(ii)Can We stop Wasting time on something that is not working/doing the impossible/engaging in futility and instead move on to something" more useful?
4.1.3 English Paper 3 (101/3)
Paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidates’ ability to communicate in writing. Communication is established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy, ?uency, pleasantness and originality. Within the constraints set by each question, it is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.
Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay.
It is important to determine ?rst how each essay communicates and in which category A, B, C or D it ?ts.
(The marks indicated below are for question one.)
The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to ?t the English words he knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors (“Broken English”).
(01 — 05)
Chaotic, little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words from it simply copied.
D O3
Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.
D+ 04-05
Although the English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all types, we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.
(06 - 10)
The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He is not con?dent with his language. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the ?ow jerky. There is no economy of language; mother tongue in?uence is felt.
C — 06-07
The candidate obviously ?nds it dif?cult to communicate his/her ideas. He/she is seriously hampered by his/her very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses, verb agreement and sentence construction.
C 08
The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His/her linguistic abilities being very limited, he/she cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure.
There is little variety or originality. Very bookish English, links are weak, incorrect, repeated at times.
C+ 09-10
The candidate communicates clearly but in a ?at and uncertain manner. Simple concepts sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of cliches, unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The ?ow is still jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses and spelling.
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