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Business Studies Form 3 Third Term Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Third Term 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)Warehousing is an important aid to trade.Explain this statement

2)A school has imported computers which are being held at the port of Mombasa awaiting clearance. Describe 5 documents used in international trade that the school will be required to have for the goods to be released

3)Explain 5 ways in which the central bank of Kenya can control the supply of money in the country

4)Define the following terms as used in insurance
C)Hull insurance
D)Sprinkler leakage
E)Personal accident policy

5)Simba traders have been allowed to import manufactured goods in the country. Explain 5 channels of distribution that they can use to have their goods reach the consumers

6)What are the benefits that the companies get from having its shares quoted in the stock exchange market

7)Explain 6 factors that influence the supply of potatoes in an economy

8)Discuss 4 problems that a country would face if it has an aging population

9)Explain 5 factors that influence the decision on what goods to be produced

10)Discuss any 5 disadvantages of publicity as a method of product promotion

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