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Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Discuss four effects of the internal business environment to a business

2)Explain 5 benefits that may accrue to a community that is involved in trading activities

3)Explain 5 disadvantages of advancement of technology to a business

4)Discuss 5 negative effects of inflation in an economy

5)Highlight 5 reasons that may cause disequilibrium in the balance of payments

6)Explain 5 ways that a government can get involved in business activities

7)Explain 5 ways in which the insurance industry contributes to the development of Kenya's economy

8)Define the following terms as used in product promotion
B)Public relations
C)Advertising agencies
D)Sales promotion
E)Personal selling

9)Distinguish between market stalls and single shops as used in home trade

10)Explain 6 measures that a wholesaler would take to ensure the smooth functioning of his or her warehouse

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