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Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)A businessman wishes to obtain a loan from a commercial bank.Discuss 5 conditions that he should satisfy before the bank can grant him the loan

2)Office equipment includes all the necessary office furniture and machines. Explain 5 roles played by equipment in an office

3)African countries are categorized as less developed economies. Explain 5 characteristics of such economies

4)A few years ago the ministry of transport introduced reforms in the matatu industry. What are the benefits of these reforms in Kenya

5)Explain 5 sources of capital that are available to a public limited company

6)With the aid of a diagram explain the determination of equilibrium price and quantity

7)Discuss 5 factors that should be considered in choosing a promotion medium

8)Discuss 5 main causes of unemployment in Kenya

9)Generating a business idea is not an end itself. What 5 factors should be considered when evaluating a business opportunity

10)Explain 5 factors that influence the level of national income in an economy

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