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Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 2015 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 2015 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)A multinational company is planning to launch its products in the local kenyan market.Explain 5 factors that should be considered by the company when choosing an appropriate media through which to advertise its products

2)Under what circumstances would a manufacturer find it necessary to build his own warehouse rather than rely on a hired one

3)Discuss 5 assumptions for perfect competition market structure

4)With the aid of a diagram describe the circular flow of income for a two sector economy

5)Outline 5 benefits that a customer would get by buying goods on credit

6)Explain 5 diseconomies of scale a business may experience

7)Identify and explain 5 circumstances under which communication may be ineffective

8)Explain 5 economic consequences of an ageing population

9)Explain 5 steps that can be taken by management to have a highly motivated staff

10)Explain 5 services offered by wholesalers to retailers

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