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3Rd Term Business Studies Form 3 Question Paper

3Rd Term Business Studies Form 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)With the help of a diagram distinguish between a movement along and a shift in a supply curve

2)Explain 5 factors that a business organization may consider when choosing office equipment

3)Discuss 5 factors that have hindered the expansion of railway transport in Kenya

4)Explain 5 disadvantages that a country may experience from imposing trade restrictions to trading partners

5)Explain 5 disadvantages of external diseconomies of scale

6)Explain 5 services that the central bank of Kenya offers to commercial banks

7)Outline 5 differences between direct taxes and indirect taxes

8)Identify 5 principles of insurance highlighting the significance of each

9)State and explain 5 types of ledgers that are used to keep the various accounts in a business

10)Explain the effects of production activities on the environment and community health

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