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Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 2016 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 2016 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)Explain 5 factors that affect the economic planning process of a country

2)Mario intends to open a current bank account. Explain to him 5 merits of operating a current account

3)Explain 5 insurance policies that the owner of a supermarket may find useful for the business

4)Explain 5 business malpractices that consumers need to be protected against by the government

5)Explain 5 sources of government revenue for development expenditure

6)Containerisation is one of the current trends in transport. Explain 5 advantages of containerisation as a mode of transport

7)Explain 4 differences between a public and a private warehouse

8)Explain 5 benefits that Kenya gets from trading with other countries

9)Explain 5 strategies that a small scale firm could adopt to expand so as to enjoy economies of scale

10)Explain 5 disadvantages of external diseconomies of scale

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