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Business Studies Form 4 Second Term Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Second Term 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2013

1)Explain 5 factors that make it difficult for many Kenyans to purchase houses through building societies

2)Explain the meaning of the significance of each of the following terms as used in international trade

A)Terms of trade
B)Exchange rate
C)Common market
D)Balance of payment
E)Balance of trade

3)Outline 5 documents required tone filed with the registrar of companies to facilitate the registration of a company

4)Explain 5 assumptions of a monopolistic competition

5)Explain 5 principles of a good taxation system

6)Explain 5 advantages of a large population to a developing country

7)Explain 5 factors that have led to the survival of small scale retailers despite competition from supermarkets

8)Describe 5 factors that should be considered when drawing a development plan for a developing country

9)State and explain 5 factors that may limit the size of a firm

10)Explain 5 sources of capital available to a private limited company

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