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Form 4 Cre Paper 1 And 2 Term 1 2017 Question Paper

Form 4 Cre Paper 1 And 2 Term 1 2017 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2017

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
Date ………………………….…

Time: 2 ½ Hours

TERM 1 - 2017


• Answer any FIVE Questions in the Answer booklet provided.
• This paper consists of Six questions.
• All answer must be written in the separate answer sheets provided.
• Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed. As indicated and that no questions are missing.

QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL

1.(a) what took place when Mary visited Elizabeth ? (7 marks)
(b) State the lessons that Christians learn from the lives of Zachariah and Elizabeth (6 marks)
(c) Give ways through which Christians in Kenya express their joy for the birth of Jesus.
(7 marks)
2. (a) Relate the forgiveness of sinful woman. (7 marks)
(b) Explain four reasons why Jesus was rejected at Nazareth. (8 marks)
(c) State five problems church Ministers in Kenya encounter in their work today. (5 marks)
3. (a) Narrate the parable of Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) (7 marks)
(b) Identify seven signs of eschatology at taught by Jesus. (7 marks)
(c) State six lessons Christians learn from Jesus prayer on mount olive. (6 marks)
4. (a) Outline four teachings of Jesus concerning the unity of believers as the “Bride”
(2Cor 11: 2, Rev 21: 1 – 12) 8 marks)
(b) Explain the criteria for disconcerting the gift of the Holy Spirit. (6 marks)
(c) Identify six ways in which the church promote unity in Kenya. (6 marks)
5. (a) Explain the Christian teaching on human sexuality. (8 marks)
(b) What factors are undermining Christian marriage today? (7 marks)
(c) What are the measures taken by the church to fight against abortion? (7 marks)
6. (a) Identify six sources of Christians Ethics. (6 marks)
(b) Explain four Christian’s values necessary for the creation of a just society. (8 marks)
(c) In what ways can Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood? (6 marks)

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
Date ………………………….…

Time: 2 ½ Hours

TERM 1 - 2017


• Answer any FIVE Questions in the Answer booklet provided.
• This paper consists of Six questions.
• All answer must be written in the separate answer sheets provided.
• Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed. As indicated and that no questions are missing.

QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL

1.(a) Give the difference in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 (8 marks)
(b) State the effects of sin from the fall of human beings in Genesis 3:7 – 23 (7 marks)
(c) Give five causes of evil in Kenya. (5 marks)
2. (a) State seven characteristics of covenant between God and Abraham. (7 marks)
(b) Identify seven ways in which Abraham expressed his faith in God. (7 marks)
(c) Give reasons why covenants are important today. (6 marks)
3. (a) State seven reasons why God was against Kingship in Israel. (7 marks)
(b) Outline the activities of King Jeroboam that contributed to the spread of idolatry in Israel.
(6 marks)
(c) Identify factors that affect the true worship of God today. (7 marks)
4. (a) Explain the relationship between the Old Testament Prophecies and the New Testament.
(8 marks)
(b) Outline seven characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament. (7 marks)
(c) Give lessons that Christians should learn from the lives and the ministry of Old Testament
prophets. (5 marks)
5. (a) Describe the religious background of Nehemiah. (6 marks)
(b) Identify six good leadership qualities of Nehemiah and Christian should emulate. (8 marks)
(c) Give reasons why Christian today should pray without ceasing. (6 marks)
6. (a)What were believed to be the causes of death in the Traditional African Community.
(6 marks)
(b) How did the traditional African society demonstrate their belief in life after death?
(7 marks)
(c) Give reasons why disputes over ownership of property were rare in Traditional African
Communities. (7 marks)

Marking Scheme/Answers


1. (a) What took place when Mary visited Elizabeth.
(i) She entered Zacharich’s home.
(ii) She greeted Elizabeth
(iii) When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the baby in her womb leaped.
(iv) Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
(v) Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry.
(vi) She blessed Mary and child in the womb.
(vii) Elizabeth wondered why Mary the mother of her Lord Jesus has visited her.
(viii) Elizabeth informed Mary that the baby in her womb had leaped for joy in her greetings.
(ix) Mary responded by praising God.
(x) Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months.
(b) Lessons that Christians learn from the lives of Zachariah and Elizabeth
(i) Christians should be righteous/upright/blameless
(ii) They should obey God’s commandments
(iii) They should persevere/be patient
(iv) They should serve God faithfully/commitment
(v) They should be prayerful
(vi) They should depend on God/ask God for their needs
(vii) They should believe God’s word
(viii) They should thank God for blessings
(i) They praise/worship the Lord
(ii) They should desire to be led by the Holy Spirit
(iii) Christian should rejoice at the blessings of others
(c) Ways through which Christians in Kenya express their joy for the birth of Jesus.
(i) They sing/listen to Christian songs/carols
(ii) They attend Christmas worship/service/mass
(iii) They partake of the Holy Communion/Eucharist
(iv) They exchange gifts/Cards/Messages of goodwill
(v) They visit friends/relatives
(vi) They decorate their homes/churches
(vii) They buy/wear new clothes
(viii) They prepare special dishes/drinks
(ix) They rest from normal duties
(x ) They hold Christians concerts/ drama
(xi) They watch movies/films on the birth of Jesus
(xii) They read Christmas stories/the Bible
(xiii) They help the needy/acts of charity
(xiv) They repent/rededicated themselves to God
2. (a) Relate the forgiveness of the sinful woman. (Luke 7:36 -8 : 3)
(i) On one occasion, Jesus was invited by Simon the Pharisee to his house to eat with him.
(ii) On another occasion, a woman who was known to be a sinner came to Jesus weeping on His feet and wiping Him with her hair.
(iii) This action drew a negative reaction from Simon the host.
(iv) Simon wondered how Jesus could allow a sinner to touch Him.
(v) If He was a prophet, He would have known that this woman was a prostitute.
(vi) Jesus knew that woman was a sinner.
(vii) He also knew Simon’s thought
(viii) According to Jesus, the woman’s action was a sign of repentance and love.
(ix) Jesus told the parable of the two debtors to explain His acceptance of the woman.
(x) According to Jesus, I was not the magnitude of sins that was important, but rather the attitude of a person towards their sins.
(8 X 1 = 8 marks)

(b) (i) Jesus challenged them the their unbelief
(ii) The people viewed Him as the son of Joseph the carpenter and did not see the Messiah ship in Him.
(iii) They did not like Jesus claim as the Messiah and this was seen as blasphemy
(iv) The people of Nazareth thought that Jesus being from their town, they had certain rights over Him.
(v) They were out to test his claim i.e demanding that he performed miracles he had performed in other areas.

(c) Problem of cultural and language barriers
(i) Insufficient capital and resources to meet expenses
(ii) Too much demand on their time and services by the members
(iii) Lack of proper housing
(iv) They might not know how to deal with different people in the churches e.g.
youths, women, choir, rival groups.
(v) What they preach may take them unpopular.
(vi) Pressure from civil authority and politicians who may want to use the church to their own advantages.
(vii) Settling disputes without being seen to take sides
(viii) Working in hostile geographical environment
(ix) Some members may not co-operate with them due to doctrinal differences, lust for power etc.
(x) Too much expectation from members who forget that the ministers too are human beings.
(xi) Inadequate knowledge/skills to execute their duties are expected
(xii) Pressure from other religions e.g Islam
(xiii) Pastoral problems may be too complex to deal with
(xiv) Multiplicity of independence Churches.

3. (a) Narrate the parable of the good Samaritan (Lk 10:30-37) (7 marks)
(i) A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers.
(ii) They stripped and beat him, and departed leaving him half dead.
(iii) A priest was going down that road and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.
(iv) Likewise a Levite when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side.
(v) But a Samaritan, as he journeyed he saw him and had compassion on him.
(vi) He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.
There he set him on his own beast and brought him too an inn.
And took care of him
(vii) The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the inn keeper
(viii) He took him to take care of him and whatever more he spends, he will repay when he came back.
(b) Identify seven signs of eschatology as taught by Jesus. (7 marks)
(i) Many people would come claiming to be Jesus/Messiah/false prophets.
(ii) There would be wide spread lawlessness among nations/nations will rise
against nations.
(iii) There will be wars/rumours of war.
(iv) There will be persecutions/arrest/imprisonment of disciples
(v) Dead of individual believers/martyrdom
(vi) There would be hatred/hostility for the sake of Jesus
(vii) There will be natural calamities e.g. floods, earthquakes, sea waves
(viii) Betrayal of disciples relatives to authorities.
(ix) Celestial beings will appear in the skies/great signs in the heavens.
(x) Betrayal of disciples by relatives.
(xi) There will be fainting for fear of beholding the signs
(xii) Jerusalem will be surrounded by an enemy.
(xiii) The son of man will appear in glory.
(c) State six lessons Christians learn from Jesus prayer on Mount Olives. (6 marks)
(i) Christians should pray in times of difficulties.
(ii) Christians should pray for strength.
(iii) Christians should pray to fight temptations.
(iv) It is important to have deep and private sessions of prayer
(vi) God answers our prayers and brings us help in times of need
(vii) Prayer should be part of a Christians daily routine as Jesus himself prayed during his passion/Christians should be prayerful.
4. (a) Outline four teachings of Jesus concerning the unity of believers as the “bride” (2 Cor 11:2, Rev. 21:1-12)
(i) In the New Testament, Christians are the bride/ the New Jerusalem.
(ii) Christ is the divine bridegroom who seeks his bride.
(iii) Their union/Christ and believers will be a life along union where there will be no suffering or death/eternity.
(iv) Christians should prepare themselves to receive Christ who will return for his church/bride.
(v) During the final establishment of the kingdom, Christ will take the bride to the new home.
(vi) Believers must obey God and do his will in order to be rewarded with eternal life escape punishment.
(vii) Believers should live pure lives as they wait for their husband.
(viii) Believers must remain faithful and committed as they wait for the husband (betrothed to one husband).
(b) Explain the criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (6 marks)
(i) The manifestation of the Holy Spirit should conform to the teachings of the
(ii) Genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit must recognize the authority of Jesus/Jesus as
(iii) One must accept Jesus as Lord to claim to be under the influence of the Holy
(iv) Manifestations of Spiritual gifts should be in the context of biblical truths.
(v) One who is under the influence of the Holy Spirit has to bear the fruit of the
Holy Spirit.
(vi) Messages given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit bring about peace and
unity and not division among Christians.
(vii) One who is under influence of the Holy Spirit is sincere and honest.
(c) Identify six ways in which the church promotes unity in Kenya. (6 marks)
(i) By condemning divisive practices like tribalism
(ii) Joint inter-denominational prayer
(iii) By sponsoring needy students
(iv) By living exemplary lives to be copied by others.
(v) Through reconciliation of warring parties
(vi) Preaching peace.
(viii) By educating other Christians on the need for unity.
5. (a) Explain the Christian teaching on Human Sexuality
(i) God created both male and female
(ii) Sexuality leads to procreation
(iii) Sex is sacred and a gift from God
(iv) God created both male and female in his image
(v) Male and female complement each other
(vi) The union of male and female is consummated in marriage, not outside marriage
(vii) Sexuality is also for mutual companionship
(viii) The body is the temple of God and should be respect
(ix) One can give up sex or marriage to serve God fully (celibacy)
(b) What factors are undermining Christian Marriage today.
(i) Wrong advice from friends and relative
(ii) Lack of strong religion and traditional believe
(iii) Long separation due to several reasons like work or study etc.
(iv) Economic constraints/underemployment
(v) Unfaithfulness among married people
(vi) Lack of children
(viii) Religious difference
(ix) Cultural differences
(x) Retrenchment
(xi) Divoce
(xii) Domestic violence
(xiii) Affluence
(xiv) The generation gap
(xv) Lack of communication in marriage
(c) What are the measures taken by churches to fight against abortion?
(i) Should condemn abortion as sinful/wrong in their teaching, preaching and writing.
(ii) Provide counselling and guidance on sexual relationship to the your and to the
unmarried pregnant girls.
(iii) Provides sex education in schools, churches and church organization
(iv) Provide family life education programmes
(v) Provide homes for unmarried mothers/widows
(vi) Provide opportunities for the Youth to meet and share ideas and values, where the
opposite sexes learn to respect each other.
(vii) Appeal to presents to accept and love them children as they are, to forgive them
when they do wrong.
(viii) Churches should preach sacredness of life.
(ix) Provide material support to the needy parent.
6. (a)(i) The Bible – to Christians the Bile is the word of God hence they draw their
morals from it
(ii) Gods revelation – God reveals himself through His Prophets dreams and
visions which guide Christians on how they should behave in given issues.
(iii) Faith in God- faith in God motivates a Christian to make ethical decisions
(iv) Teachings of Jesus guide a Christian decision making that involve moral
(v) Secular state law-being citizens of their countries Christians are guided in
behavior by the constitution of that country.
(vi) Authoritative Christian literature – Christians also derive their ethics from
inspired books written by the Theologians on moral judgement
(vii) The natural laws-it means the awareness that one has to choose good and
avoid evil
(ix) Church community-Christians get guidance on moral behavior from teachings they get from their churches.
(x) Knowledge and free will- A normal person has the ability to assess the morality of situations using his/her reasoning ability.
(xi) Church rituals – e.g. Marriage, Baptism and also good sources of Christian principles and when entered into one vows to remain faithful, thereby shaping their morals.
(any 4 X 2 = 8 marks)
(b) (i) Honesty – One who is honest is reliable and faithful
(ii) Love-Love should be directed to all irrespective of social states, gender, race or
ethnicity or age.
(iii) Faithfulness – The principle of being truthful and trust worthy
(iv) Justice – This is the time moral principle of being fair
(v) Chastity – A state of being pure physically, spiritual and morally. It implies
having good sexual morals in and outside marriage.
(vi) Respective – That value that makes us treat others with honour and
Respect for other people’s property in the society enables people to enjoy
their wealth in peace.
(vii) Humility – acknowledgement of ones qualities, abilities and inadequacies. It is
accepting ones self with his/her strengths and weaknesses
(viii) Perseverance – One who preserves does not give up easily however
challenging a situation or task is.

(any 4 X 2 = 8 marks)
(c) Responsible parenthood.
(i) Understanding parental roles and responsibilities.
(ii) Educating children in all aspects of life.
(iii) Teaching and training children in religious matters.
(iv) Helping their children to grow physically, socially, psychologically and mutually
(v) Helping children to develop intellectually.
(vi) Teaching morals and right behavior to their children.
(vii) Teaching them social and civic responsibilities.
(viii) Provide for the needs of their families
(ix) Not to discriminate against any of the children
(x) Showing understanding and tolerance to their children.

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