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Form 4 History And Government Paper 1 Term 1 2017 Question Paper

Form 4 History And Government Paper 1 Term 1 2017 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2017




• This paper has consists of three sections. Section A B, and C.
• Answer all questions in section A.
• Answer any three questions from section B.
• Answer any two questions from section C.
• Candidates should answer the questions in English.

This paper consists of 3 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated.
And that no questions are missing

1 Identify two aspects of History (2mks)
2 Give two sources of information used to learn the History of the East Africa Coast before 17th century (2mks)
3. Give the meaning of archeology (1 mark)
4. Name two groups of people that form the coastal Bantu of Kenya (2 marks)
5. State two functions of the council of elders among the Borana in the Pre-colonial period (2 marks)
6. State two circumstances under which the government of Kenya may revoke citizenship acquired through registration (2 marks)
7. Apart from Kenya, identify one nation that uses a written constitution (1 mark)
8. Mention one type of representatives democracy (1 mark)
9. Identify two characteristics of a written constitution ( 2 marks)
10. Identify two methods used by colonial administrators to attract European settlers in Kenya (2 marks)
11. Identify two sub section of the Luo that resisted British colonial rule (2 marks)
12. State the main reasons why Africans established independent churches in Kenya ( 1 mark)
13. Name one woman warrior who was involved in the Mau- Mau movement (1 mark)
14. Name the court that handles presidential election petition in Kenya. (1 mark)
15. Give one unit that make up the National Police Unit in Kenya (1 mark)
16. Name the main function of the Attorney General in Kenya (1 mark)
17. Name the body that handles the elections in Kenya (1 mark)

Answer any three questions in this section
18. a) Give three reasons why Bantu migrated from their coastal settlements at Shungwaya in 16 th century ( 3 marks)
b) Describe political organization of the Akamba during pre-colonial period ( 12 marks)
19.a) State five reasons for the coming of the missionaries (5 marks)
b) Explain five factors that undermined Christian missionaries activities in Kenya during the 19 th century ( 10 marks)
20. State five problems faced by the European settlers in Kenya ( 5 marks)
b) Explain five results of the Maasai collaboration with the British ( 10 marks)
21.a) Identify three methods used by Africans nationalists in their struggle for independence ( 3 marks)
b) Explain six effects of Mau Mau uprising in Kenya (12 marks)

Answer any two questions in this section.

22. a) Identify three categories of people whose freedom of movement is limited by the constitution ( 3marks)
b) Explain six practices that may undermine national unity in Kenya ( 12 marks)
23.a) Identify three aspects of democracy (3 marks)
b) Discuss six benefits of democracy (12 marks)
24. A)Give three composition of county Assembly (3 marks)
b) Explain six challenges facing Judiciary in Kenya. (12 marks)

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