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Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 2015 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 2015 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)State 4 ways in which the nature of goods would influence the choice of transport

2)E-commerce is a current trend in commerce. Highlight 3 advantages of it

3)Highlight 5 circumstances when a manufacturer would find it advisable to distribute goods through wholesalers

4)Distinguish between:

A)Joint demand and competitive demand
B)Composite demand and derived demand

5)State 4 types of complaints that a consumer organization may receive from consumers

6)State 4 determinants of economic growth in a country

7)Highlight 4 positive effects of globalization on business today

8)State 4 benefits that a government gets from a bonded warehouse

9)Highlight 5 internal economies of scale that a firm enjoys

10)Highlight 4 reasons why a manufacturer would promote his product through trade fairs rather than advertise through the radio

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