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Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)For each of the following account titles indicate whether the account is real nominal or personal
A)Tawas creditor
B)Commission paid

2)Outline 3 factors that influence the demand for money

3)State 4 measures that can be taken to control cost push inflation

4)State whether each of the following transactions will increase, decrease or have no effect on the business capital

A)Bought stock on credit
B)Owner withdrew some goods for personal use
C)Paid wages by cheque

5)Below are some factors that affect a business environment. State the business environment affected by each factor

A)Economic issues
C)Marketing capacity
D)Production capacity

6)Outline 4 functions of documents in a business

7)Highlight 4 factors that make it necessary for an insurance company to reinsure

8)Explain the following documents as used in international trade

B)Bill of lading
C)Consular invoice
D)Letter of credit

9)Highlight 4 factors that determine the period for which a document should be filed

10)Explain 4 assumptions of a monopolistic competition

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