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Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)Highlight 4 advantages of personal selling as a method of sales promotion

2)State 4 reasons why countries may choose to trade with each other
3)Give 4 reasons why the demand curve for a good usually slopes downwards from left to right

4)Highlight measures that a producer may take to ensure that his consumers are protected

5)Given that barter trade is the first stage in the historical development of money. List the next four stages in their order of occurrence

6)Highlight 4 obstacles to economic development in developing countries

7)Highlight the classification of economic resources giving an example of each case

8)State 4 differences between liners and tramps as forms of sea transport

9)State 4 ways that the central bank of Kenya may use to control the amount of money in circulation

10)Outline 4 emerging trends in office management

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