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Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Highlight 4 differences between shares and debentures as a source of capital for companies

2)Define the following types of losses as used in marine insurance

A)Total loss
B)Particular average loss
C)Constructive total loss
D)General average loss

3)State 4 ways in which land can influence the location of industries

4)Highlight 4 reasons why loans advanced by commercial banks in Kenya may not appeal to many people

5)State 4 causes of demand pull inflation in an economy

6)Outline 4 emerging issues that relate to population in Kenya

7)State 3 factors that may lead to a reduction in the supply of a commodity

8)Highlight 4 factors that may lead to an increase in the supply of goods in the market even though price remains constant

9)Outline 4 factors that may limit the growth of a business

10)State 4 benefits that a country may get by being a member of the international monetary fund (IMF)

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