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Form 4 Business Studies Term 3 Question Paper

Form 4 Business Studies Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)Outline 3 barriers to written communication

2)Highlight 4 difficulties faced in the satisfaction of human wants

3)State any 4 assumptions of monopolistic competition

4)Outline 4 reasons why a development plan is important to a country

5)Highlight 3 disadvantages of a pipeline

6)Outline 4 features of reinsurance company

7)State 4 reasons why an entrepreneur needs to generate a good business idea

8)Outline 4 current trends in the chain of distribution

9)Highlight 3 problems associated with measuring national income using the expenditure approach

10)Highlight 4 factors that may limit the effectiveness of the bank rate in controlling credit

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