Kcse 2013 Hre Paper 1 And 2 Question Paper
Kcse 2013 Hre Paper 1 And 2
Course:Hindu Religious Education
Institution: Kcse question papers
Exam Year:2013
Hindu Religious Education Paper 1
1.a) List six ways in which devotees can communicate with Paramatma. (6 marks)
b) Describe ways in which students practise Dharma. (8 marks)
c) Explain the role of Paramatma in Trimurti. (6 marks)
2. a) Explain the contibution of Lord Mahavir in promoting non-violence. (10 marks)
b) Describe ?ve teachings of Sam‘ Kabir. (10 marks)
c) Describe the role of Dhammapada in Buddhism. (10 marks)
3. State ways in which Lord Rama demonstrated that he was;
(i) an ideal son. (5 marks)
(ii) an ideal king (5 marks)
b) Describe how the control of mind helps in the practice of Indiriya Nigraha. (10 marks)
4. a) State ?ve duties of a Vanprasthi. (5 marks)
b) Name the ?ve daily Yajnas that a Grahasthi has to perform. (5 marks)
c) Name the three entities to whom the Buddhists pay homage in Mahamantra. (3 marks)
5. a) How can the Sikh principle of forbidding intoxicants help the Kenyan youth? . (10 marks)
b) State seven beings from whom the Jains seek for forgiveness during Pratikraman. (7 marks)
6 a) Describe how the practice of Dhyana and Dharana from Ashtang Yoga leads to Samadhi. (6 marks)
b) Identify the qualities of a devotee practising Dasyam Bhakti. (4 marks)
c) Explain the teachings of Jnana Yoga. (10 marks)
Hindu Religious Education Paper 2
1 a) Describe the rites and rituals of the Sikh Naam Karan Sanskar.
b) Name ?ve types of Hindu temple worship. 2 a) De?ne the three aspects of Karma.
b) Describe the ways of correcting the effects of accumulated Karma.
c) Describe the characteristics of a person dominated by Rajas Guna.
3 a) Describe how Rishi Bodh Divas is celebrated in Arya Samaj.
b) Explain the importance of Utsav in the lives of Hindus.
c) Describe ways in which Dashera is celebrated in Kenya.
4 a) State four reasons why Hindus visit Amamath.
b) Explain the importance of the Sikh trirhakshetra of Hazoor Sahib.
c) Give the names and locations of Chardham Yatra.
5. a) Discuss the contributions made by Rishi Dayanand in the spread of Vedic teachings in the modem period. (8 marks)
b) Identify the means by which Buddhism spread during the reign of King Ashok.
c) State four means of propagation of Hindu Dharma during the ancient period.
6 a) Identify the sites selected for building places of worship.
b) Discuss the contributions made by Hindu Scholars in the ?eld of:
(i) medicine.
(ii) astronomy.
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