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Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 3 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2014

1)Highlight 4 disadvantages of direct taxes

2)Outline 4 characteristics of underdevelopment

3)Highlight 4 ethical issues that an organization is supposed to address in product promotion

4)Outline 3 problems that tend to limit the growth of small scale retail businesses in rural Kenya

5)State 4 advantages of operating a partnership form of business

6)State 4 demerits of government involvement in business activities

7)Outline 4 reasons why sales promotion is important to a customer

8)Highlight 4 factors that may determine the size of a firm

9)Outline how the 3 column cash book is used as:
A)A journal
B)A ledger

10)State 4 ways in which the running of public corporations may be improved

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