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Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 2015 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 4 Term 2 2015 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)List 4 errors that are not disclosed by a trial balance

2)Highlight 4 benefits to a business that uses its own warehouse

3)State 4 monetary measures that a government may use to control inflation

4)State 4 disadvantages of using the internet in communication

5)Highlight 4 problems that are usually encountered in the implementation of development plans in less developed countries

6)Outline 4 factors that may limit the effectiveness of open market operations as a tool for reducing money supply in a country

7)State 4 differences between a trade discount and a cash discount

8)Define the following terms:

A)Composite supply
B)Competitive supply

9)Outline 4 considerations that a seller should take into account before giving credit to a new customer

10)State 4 economic consequences of an ageing population to a country

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