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Business Studies Form 2 Term Three Question Paper

Business Studies Form 2 Term Three 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1)State 4 benefits of direct taxation to the government

2)List 4 sources of renewable energy naturally available in Kenya

3)Highlight 4 advantages of localisation of industries to a country

4)Containerisation is one of the current trends in transport. What 4 benefits may accrue to a trader who uses it

5)State 4 elements that may compromise the external environment of a business

6)State 4 ways in which a government may participate in the operations of a state corporation

7)State one circumstance under which the following postal services would be most appropriate to use

A)Speed post
B)Poste restante
C)Business reply service
D)Registered mail

8)Identify 4 internal sources of government revenue other than taxation

9)State 4 advantages that a small scale business may have over large scale business

10)Outline 4 risks against which a small scale retailer may insure

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